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The SBHS98 Photo Gallery

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There exists an unprecedented number of asians in the Class of '98.

Some of the year remember that day when a guy got nailed by the fact some of us were in that bus...

...all of us remember waiting, only to be told that our assembly was off...

...but we still had fun... the Great Hall...

...until the next day when Mr Day calls us into the Senior Study Centre for a conference, to try to stop us showing our disappointment to Stratford during the luncheon...

...during which time Mr Baldock came in to warn us of the consequences if we turned our backs on Stratford's long-winded luncheon address...

...but at least the luncheon was alright...

...the food was edible...

...the music was great (it's the grand piano they're playing)...

...but who could forget our resident try-hard homie Vik...

...or our resident attention-deficit-disorder sufferer, John F...

...or our resident psycho, take your own guess who this is...

...or our quiet pianist who SHOULD have been playing at the assemblies but didn't - Matt Y.
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