Posted by israelchevres942 on January 09, 19113 at 07:50:51:
In Reply to: eXwtneLbel Learn More Here posted by BalSamUsels on June 27, 19112 at 12:07:32:
Copyright 2006 Edward VeglianteIt is interesting to note that what started off as a marketing gimmick has now become an almost permanent part of the credit card industry in America and today 0% APR credit cards can in fact play a significant role in helping a person reduce or get out of debt.What Is A 0% APR Credit Card?APR is the annual interest rate known in industry jargon as the Annual Percentage Rate. It is a reflection of the cost of credit. In the old days everybody paid a standard APR based on bank rates. It was usually about 18 per cent. The use of low APR came with the emergence of the monoline bank. These were banks that only issued credit cards and did not take any deposits or issue conventional loans. For their business model to work well large numbers were important for these breed of pioneering bankers and credit cards issuers so low APR teaser rates were successfully used to lure as many new card users as possible.The gimmick seemed to have worked so well that today it is difficult to find a credit card company that does not offer some type of incentive APR during the first 6 months or one year. The more popular credit cards offer 0% APR for the first year.Usefulness Of A 0% APR Credit Card In Reducing DebtA 0% APR credit card can be extremely useful for somebody who wants to reduce their large credit card debt. For instance if you have a credit card debt that remains at about $10,000 and the APR is 20% then you will end up paying a whooping $2,000 in interest payments alone. With a 0% APR credit card the $2,000 could all go towards reducing that crippling debt. It is therefore clear that 0% APR credit cards can offer much needed financial breathing room for somebody in a serious credit card debt situation.Consolidation Or Transfer Necessary To Benefit From 0% APR Credit CardsTransferring a credit card debt or credit card debt consolidation are all-important first steps that will need to be taken before a person in deep credit card debt can enjoy the benefits of a 0% APR credit card. The objective here would be to have all the person’s outstanding debt payable to one credit card company and at a 0% APR rate.The importance of 0% APR credit cards in helping an individual or business to get out of credit card debt cannot be understated.Although many potential card users place a lot of importance in being able to obtain a 0% APR credit card, the truth of the matter is that it is only attractive and beneficial to two groups of people. Firstly persons able to settle their credit card balances on a month to month basis to whom the 0% APR rate means that their cost of maintaining a credit card is very minimal. Secondly those in debt also benefit because the 0% APR credit card greatly assists them in their efforts to reduce their debt.
Previously available only to a private trading group, this EA is now publicly available only from This EA has been compared to other EA's in the market and outperformed every one of them. The key to success of this system is that it is flexible to changing market conditions.Some of Point Break features:Small trades are continuously added above and below the opening position.The system will pyramiding, hedging or closing some positions depends which way the market moves.All trades are closed only when a net profit is reached and added to your account balance.Built in money management will automatically calculate the correct position size for your risk level, and it can be used as a full automatic trading system or use it to create your own trading system.The main goal of multiple trading strategies is to make the drawdown become smoother when there is choppy market.Since Point Break version 4, we invented multiple close strategies. Beside each cycle has its own close profit procedure, there is additional simultaneous close technique which close all open positions together on specific rule, this make the close profit target be reached even faster, and as a result the expanding drawdown probability become decrease also.Money ManagementThe probability is that the maximum largest expected drawdown is about $1,500 (using 0.01 standard lot) with Conservative setting. Although it is not impossible exceed this drawdown. Based on the drawdown risk when the cycle ranges become expanding, trading more than 0.01 lot per $5,000 for standard account is discouraged. Fortunately, the EA uses automatically money management system that it will increase the lot size when the profit accumulated. For example when the EA start with $10,000, it start using 0.02 lots, it will increase to 0.03 lots when the equity become $15,000.Average Monthly Return: 5-8% for Moderate Strategy (Drawdown Risk: 30% from balance).10-15% for Aggressive Strategy (Drawdown Risk: 50% from balance).We have the utmost confidence in the EA and it has been used to managed forex accounts for 2 years already. This EA is available in a 30-day trial format, available from our site, and we guarantee if you dont make 10% a year we will refund your money back.
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If you have spent any time marketingon line,you may have heard a lot abouttraffic exchanges. Many marketersremain confused about how to maketraffic exchanges work for them.The first rule is don't try to sellanything on the traffic exchanges! Youmust be remember that you marketing toother traffic exchange marketers, whowill not be interested in what you arepromoting.The best strategy is to build acontact list when using trafficexchanges. A good contact list willgive you a base of prospects you canfollow-up with. Your list can make orbreak you. The way to do is to insertan opt-in box on a landing page.When you direct visitors to your ownlanding page and business,you can then you can market affiliateprograms later onHere are eight more tips to maketraffic exchanges work for you:1. Spread Your Surfing Across Lots OfExchangesMany Traffic Exchanges have fairlysmall active memberships. This means alimited number of people are actuallysurfing at any one time. To make traffic exchanges work,join and participate in at least seventraffic exchanges.2. Surf Sets Of Exchanges At OnceOne of the best ways to accumulate alarge number of credits and generate alarge number of hits, is to surfmultiple traffic exchanges at once. Ifyou use a tabbed browser you can surfeach different traffic exchange in adifferent tab or window.If you earn alotof credits on several exchanges thechances are your site will be viewedrepeatedly to the same people over andover3. Use Mozilla FirefoxMozilla Firefox is an very efficientsurfing browser, which allows you tohave many "tabs" or separate windowsopen, but with only one main browserwindow open it also includes manyextra features.4. Use Splash PagesSplash pages are simply quick loadingweb pages, which are generally thesize of a normal web window i.e. noscrolling down is required.To make traffic exchanges work,combine your splash pages with aname/email lead capture box.5. Concentrate On Lead Capture PagesThe purpose of your page is to gathernames and emails that you can add intoyour autoresponder automatically andsend them a series of email messages.6. Use A RotatorA rotator is a single URL whichrotates the different sites you haveadded to it.7. Track Your AdvertisingIts critical to monitor your responsesto determine how to best make trafficexchanges work. Its much easier to dothis with a Lead Capture page, thanwith any other page Use a good adtracking program.8. Compare The Alexa Rankings OfExchangesOne useful shorthand guide to how gooda Traffic Exchange is can be achievedby looking at its Alexa Ranking.By following these simple steps andbuilding a responsive list, you canmake traffic exchanges work for you,leading to sign ups and repeat sales.